Midwest Grain Manufacturer

Fully Automated Microsoft AX IV&V Testing

Case Study

Fully Automated Validation Testing of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012®

United States

Grain Process Manufacturing

The grain manufacturer is a privately-run company that manufactures pet food, nutritionals, and other food products.  They selected Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012® as their ERP system of choice.  Given the cyclical nature of their product lines, they changed their manufacturing processes multiple times throughout the year requiring their entire supply chain team to conduct end-to-end testing manually.  The end-to-end testing required 12 full-time equivalents as well as approximately 3 -4 weeks to execute all testing among the key subject matter experts.  The company determined that the testing was becoming cost-prohibitive and time-consuming while taking key SMEs away from day-to-day work.  The company asked OnShore Technology Group, Inc. to come in and brief them on our automated testing facilitated through ValidationMaster™.  The goal was to eliminate the 12 full-time equivalent head count required to conduct testing and fully automate the 400+ test cases to support regression testing efforts for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012®.

The primary objective of this project was to fully automate 400+ test scripts related to the validation of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012® ERP system. 

Purchase ValidationMaster™ and/or CloudMaster 365℠ Validation Accelerator


onshore professional services


Methodology and approach

OnShore Technology Group, Inc. conducted an on-site workshop for the team with each of the subject matter experts (SMEs) to discuss the specific test requirements and processes to support manufacturing and supply chain processes.  We conducted ValidationMaster training to teach the team how to develop fully automated test scripts.   Leveraging the results of this workshop, the client was able to develop fully automated Java-based test cases for all 400+ test scripts.  The company determined a specific time and date each quarter for test cases to automatically kick off and execute without human intervention.


Impacts and outcomes

The company was able to develop 400+ automated test cases eliminating the need for quarterly intervention of 12 full-time equivalents as well as approximately 3 -4 weeks to execute all testing among the key subject matter experts.  Developed a reusable test script library for all testing projects for the company using ValidationMaster.


Elimination of the need for 12 full-time equivalents as well as approximately 3 -4 weeks to facilitate test execution

Reduced the time for testing for 3 – 4 weeks to approximately 1-day end to end

Decreased the level of testing resources required for test script execution and maintenance from 12 to 2

Cost savings for 12-full-time equivalents or ~$750,000/quarter or $3,000,000 annually

Automated testing reduced the overall time required for regression testing from 1 hour to .25 hours per test case

ValidationMaster is leveraged for over 100 users to manage the full lifecycle of validation projects for the company